Saturday, August 7, 2010

Twitter vs Blog

I and @Kesavan had a small discussion (kind of) on twitter as whose greatest enemy was Twitter? I had posted as how my usage of Twitter had affected my blogging frequency.
The argument was that Twitter can't be a Blog's rival. Both are different arena with different players and spectators.

I agree, but the competition there is between equals (sort of) its like two good T20 matches being played in parallel in a couple of channels and which is better. Whichever provides better entertainment wins.
But what am talking about is that Twitter is a lazy man's blog and once you start using it extensively, your blogging definitely takes a hit. I feel it’s like a T20 vs ODI/Test. When you can put your point across in a few words, people might not want to take the effort of posting it in a blog which takes much more time.

The impact may not be direct, but bloggers usually develop small ideas into an article and post them. But here on Twitter, you tend to post the idea and be done with it. So the idea never gets to be made into a blog post.
That said, few things do make it to the blog, if the user feels that enough can't be said about them in 140 chars (this post for example)

This is what i felt after being on Twitter for more than a year. If you use both or rather all 3 (Buzz included) may be you can comment as how it has been for you.
But I have seen a few people like Nirmal and Zeno who just don’t seem to be affected by anything else. They just keep bloooggggging :-)